Overall Rating 5/10
Overall - Started slow had some good moments then ended poorly. What more would you expect from network television.
Overall Rating 5/10
Overall - Started slow had some good moments then ended poorly. What more would you expect from network television.
Overall Rating 7/10
Plot 8/10
Attraction 6/10
Acting 8.4/10
Dialogue 7.5/10
Cinematography 7/10
Editing 6/10
Soundtrack 5.8/10
Overall Rating 9.8/10
Plot 9.8/10
Attraction 10/10
Acting 9/10
Dialogue 10/10
Cinematography 10/10
Editing 10/10
Soundtrack 10/10
Plot - The tone was set early, but maybe too early. I did like how they let us know how strong Thanos is right off the bat, by making quick work of the Hulk. I don't think Strange and Stark would of had that argument of what to do next in the spaceship. It's not like either of them would of known how…
Overall Rating 8.1/10
Plot 9/10
Attraction 8.4/10
Acting 9/10
Dialogue 10/10
Cinematography 7.2/10
Editing 7/10
Soundtrack 6/10