Dániel Kovács Rezsuk

Dániel Kovács Rezsuk

Favorite films

  • The Big Lebowski
  • The Thing
  • The Devils
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Recent activity

  • The Lobster


  • The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie


  • Enter the Void


  • Saturday Night Fever


Recent reviews

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez

    Wouldn't be surprised if in the future the title becomes shorthand for fundamentally misguided filmmaking.

  • The Shining

    The Shining


    There is something incredibly comedic about the whole movie. Kubrick seems to be poking fun at the horror genre without trying to denigrate it, and manages to create one of the best movies of all time in the process. Any self-proclaimed Stephen King fan who is still sour about the faithfulness to the source material: the themes are still there, and Kubrick added his own by confronting the viewer with the perverse nature of humanity to find pleasure in cruelty or the depiction of cruel acts, which is kind of an axiomatic notion in the discussion of the horror genre as a whole.

Popular reviews

  • Da 5 Bloods

    Da 5 Bloods


    I've been really looking forward to this but overall I was left disappointed.

    Almost every scene felt dragged out twice as long as it should have been without any stylistic justification whatsoever. The tone is all over the place mainly due to the out of place musical score - I have no clue if it's meant to be sentimental, satirical or both. The editing is flat-out obnoxious all the way through.

    My biggest gripe is with the script. Almost every…

  • The Sons of Sam: A Descent Into Darkness

    The Sons of Sam: A Descent Into Darkness


    How to Glorify a Paranoid Conspiracy Nut and Feed Into Satanic Panic 25 Years Too Late - The Movie. In 4 parts, just so the creators can capitalize on the binge-watching bullshit, even though there is absolutely no justification for it: this could easily have been a 2-hour long film with better editing.
