Professional Andrzej Żuławski Elitest
Halloween Ends public defender
“But the truth is, evil doesn’t die. It changes shape.”
Now before I say how I feel I can see why some people have issues with this movie, BUT those people clearly just wanted another boring slasher with Michael for the hundredth time. Halloween Ends is not that. I absolutely loved everything that had to do with Cory and was so entertained by him and Michael tag-teaming people. It was so different and unique which is why I fell in love with this film. This is the perfect slasher movie in my eyes.
This may very well be the most incompetently made film I've ever seen. A big budget will never hide the fact that Michael Bay is actually an 8 year old playing with expensive CGI action figures. If the aspect ratio changing every 3 seconds doesn't make you want to vomit then I can guarantee that the "writing" absolutely will. But hey bumblebee fights Nazis and there is a watch transformer that killed Adolf Hitler so I cannot deny the absurd joy you can get from a monumental disasterpiece such as this film. Absolute cinematic ecstasy...
Trap is a surprise disappointment but also a really fun time. The first 50 minutes are an absolute treat and I was genuinely interested with the ideas presented. Josh Hartnett is easily the best part of the entire film, his performance is actually fantastic with him switching back and forth from loving father to the butcher. I was also really surprised with how much I loved all the concert hijinks. Seeing Josh Hartnett lurk around and outsmart everyone at the…
First off yes, I have played the holy grail that is Borderlands 2 so trust me when I say that I was expecting the most diabolical piece of garbage ever put on this earth. It didnt help when I found out that Eli Roth directed this film because I genuinely hate his films and that the original writer didnt even want his real name attached and used a pseudonym. All that said I went in with the lowest standards possible…