

Favorite films

  • Rango
  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Dune
  • Interstellar

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  • Longlegs


  • Call Me by Your Name


  • The Watchers


  • James and the Giant Peach


Recent reviews

  • Longlegs



    Now I find it hard to enjoy horror films, but when the trailer has a detective, and cinematography that looks like this... I'll put on my big boy pants and brave it.

    And it paid off, mostly.

    The third act let me down a smidge by doing a bit of spoon feeding but all in all a really good watch.

  • Call Me by Your Name

    Call Me by Your Name


    Definitely more of a vibe piece than a movie, and I think if I knew that I could maybe get more from it. Idk timothee chalamet just looked way too young and arnie hammer looks way too old.

Popular reviews

  • Uncharted



    Alright so we know this movie is based on a game that features wild adventures disregarding the laws of physics, logic and rational decision making... but with that said theres still fun to be had with this film.

    Yes it feels a bit janky but I think that comes down to the movie trying too hard to line up with the game. The pacing is a lil choppy, bouncing between scenes and "cutscenes", but the ball is rolling so you…

  • Gremlins




    For context, I own 2 Gremlins shirts, and old school trading cards complete with a stick of gum 40 years old. I finally watched this for the for the first time last night and man... bit of a let down. The first half is what you call a movie, it is so straight to the point, slow and obvious that my expectations are quickly squashed. Then the second half is chunks of no dialogue (granted, these chunks are funny gremlins doing rambunctious activities). But maybe this just sets up the rest of the films. We'll have to wait and see.
