
breakbeat Pro

Show me a beautiful image. Show me 24 of those bad boys per second and now we're talkin'.

Favorite films

  • Before Sunrise
  • The Apartment
  • 20th Century Women
  • The Philadelphia Story

Recent activity

  • Death Wish 3


  • A View to a Kill


  • Dune

  • Raging Bull


Recent reviews

  • Death Wish 3

    Death Wish 3


    Not quite the absurd masterpiece I was lead to believe, but such an over-the-top escalation of the original's basic premise that you can't help but respect the audacity of it all. One of the rare bad movies that makes enough dumb choices to make the entire film redeemably strange enough to enjoy.

  • A View to a Kill

    A View to a Kill


    I can't believe a Bond movie with Christopher Walken and Grace Jones ended up being this dull, but that's just the nature of the Moore era. Roger just doesn't bring the physical presence or charm here that defines 007 in the best outings. I don't know that this is much worse than the rest of the Moore era, but it does lack the action set-pieces of his stronger entries. A VIEW TO A KILL closes out this era feeling in…

Popular reviews

  • Kid Auto Races at Venice

    Kid Auto Races at Venice


    Even in 1914, single premise sketch comedy goes on about 3 minutes too long.

  • Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

    Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom

    My history with this film must mirror other people's experience.

    1. After getting heavily into movies as a teenager, you stumble onto lists of the most disturbing films or banned films. You of course see this movie mentioned.

    2. You read the synopsis and vicariously get the thrill of knowing something this dark and depraved exists. If you're a millennial, you probably also read about HUMAN CENTIPEDE or A SERBIAN FILM around this same time. It's the equivalent of watching…
