Brian H

Brian H

I'm aren't as smart as my think am are.

Favorite films

  • M
  • The Thing
  • Wet Hot American Summer
  • The Fall

Recent activity

  • Bullet Train


  • Fall


  • Righting Wrongs


  • Lux Æterna


Recent reviews

  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train


    David Leitch's "Bullet Train" was an absolute blast from start to finish. There are some thoughtful set-ups and payoffs, great editing, and a lot of really fun performances from this fantastic ensemble cast.

    It may get a little over indulgent at times, with some effects sequences and cameos that distracted from the story without adding much, but it was so much fun that I didn't really mind.

    This is far from perfect, but if you're looking for a really entertaining and clever action movie, "Bullet Train" is solid.

  • Fall



    There are quite a few nail-biting moments and some solid photography, but "Fall" definitely drags and has its fair share of cheesy dialogue.

    I definitely found my palms sweating during a good bit of the first half of this film. While the performances were fine, the dialogue was a bit painful. There were also some really cliche elements that feel like they were only there to pad out the runtime.

    This was a pretty thrilling watch but it burns out…

Popular reviews

  • A Spy Movie

    A Spy Movie


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    This is a very specific type of comedy and a difficult one to really execute well, but Stephanie Koenig absolutely nails it. Koenig and Brian Jordan Alvarez have wonderful comedic chemistry and timing, selling a lot of the wackiest elements remarkably well.

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  • Blacklight


    "Blacklight" is one of the most generic political conspiracy thrillers I've ever seen. It's slow, boring, obvious, and features a bafflingly anticlimactic ending. It feels like it was crafted by first time writers that have never seen a thriller before.

    It also features some terrible shot composition (with excessive and completely unmotivated dutch angles) and some awful editing (especially in the action scenes).

    "Blacklight" is an unmitigated mess both narratively and technically and isn't even fun on a so-bad-it's-good level.…