A year ago, I was watching this in a theater at SXSW with the cast and crew... never done coke but I can imagine what I felt that night was like the purest hit of cocaine.
Somehow, this still hasn't gotten old. Movie of all time!!! I did cry again.
A year ago, I was watching this in a theater at SXSW with the cast and crew... never done coke but I can imagine what I felt that night was like the purest hit of cocaine.
Somehow, this still hasn't gotten old. Movie of all time!!! I did cry again.
It's not a perfect film but it was engaging, well acted for the most part, and a solid directorial debut for Ben Affleck. Prompted me to ask if Ed Harris is sexy.
Also, I understand/see now why Chalamet played young C. Affleck (or he played older Chalamet?) in Interstellar.
"he actually met alexis through me 'cause my friend's boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend was alexis."
"i didn't sell anything" "what about venice beach?" "you know what? i did do that actually that's my bad..."