Cain Wilkes

Cain Wilkes

Favorite films

  • Jurassic Park
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Superbad
  • Training Day

Recent activity

  • Dumb Money


  • Toy Story 2


  • Toy Story


  • Moana


Recent reviews

  • Dumb Money

    Dumb Money


    I really enjoyed Dumb Money, which says a lot as I didn’t really know what was happening most of the time due to little to zero knowledge of the stock market and all the acronyms that are second nature to people but I kept up with it for the most part. 

    One of my biggest takeaways was what a great role Paul Dano played in this, in what is a pretty stacked cast from top to bottom. It was also nice to see him playing a nice guy and not someone horrid like he did in the newest Batman film and the superb film Prisoners.

  • Toy Story 2

    Toy Story 2


    Has there ever been a better sequel to a film than Toy Story 2?

    What an amazing ride from start to finish.

    This has actually become my favourite from the franchise in recent years due to the fact it feels much better seeing all the toys on the same page from the start and the characters it introduces, such as Jessie and Bullseye, add so much more to the Toy Story world. 

    A film I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of watching, especially when I’m still catching one liners 25 years later.

Popular reviews

  • Rooney



    Good God, I miss Wayne Rooney playing for Manchester United.

  • Die Hard 2

    Die Hard 2


    Having recently watched the first Die Hard film, it was only right to follow it up with the second - how I wish I hadn't bothered.

    It honestly felt like the creators of the original film got together to discuss what made it such a cherished film and then decided to do the complete opposite with the follow up.

    Whilst watching the first film I commented to my Mrs that most of the action scenes in it come across pretty…
