

Favorite films

  • Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
  • The Princess Bride
  • The Philadelphia Story
  • Die Hard

Recent activity

  • Just for Showmance

  • Home by Spring


  • As Gouda as It Gets


  • Borderlands


Recent reviews

  • Just for Showmance

    Just for Showmance

    Good things:
    - I’m sure there was something. It was more interesting than tonight’s study topic, which was worldwide corporate governance structures and codes. 

    Not-so-good things:
    - She’s an influencer and as we know there is nothing more hateful than a character who is an influencer in a romance. 
    - The colour. The colour in the this so off. Everyone looks jaundiced and it looks cheap. 
    - The sound. It’s SO QUIET and the ambient sounds are so loud. The…

  • Home by Spring

    Home by Spring


    Good things:
    - Some nice scenery
    - Dawson’s mum! 

    Not-so-good things:
    - Zero chemistry between our leads. 
    - Jeremy from the Vampire Diaries. Oh Jeremy, you will always be an awkward 16-year old with no sex appeal to me. 
    - Shes not great either. 
    - Proposing at someone else’s wedding is tacky and cheap. 
    - Big city girl needs to quit her job and move back to her hometown plot line.

Popular reviews

  • 'Twas the Text Before Christmas

    'Twas the Text Before Christmas


    Thoughts as I watched this:
    - Is Nana a catfisher? 
    - Is Nana a scammer? 
    - Is Nana a murderer? I hope she’s a murderer.  
    - I can’t believe she is spending Christmas with Nana. - Maybe Nana is a secret poisoner?!
    - “Every ornament brings back a memory” says the woman whose house is full of ornaments that look the same! 
    - They are so happy to see each other again. Way happier than the plot so far would…

  • Barbie: Epic Road Trip

    Barbie: Epic Road Trip


    Became surprisingly invested in this. 
    Did everything I could to keep Barbie and Ken from romance because he is a complete doormat. 
    Eventually I felt sorry for him because he happily agrees to her rejecting him constantly and thinking about everyone else rather than him. 
    Mainly focused on her career and rehoming all the dogs (although they didn’t make any efforts to check those dogs were going to suitable homes!)