
Dan Pro

Unintellectual boondoggling mooncalf

Favorite films

  • Blue Velvet
  • Two-Lane Blacktop
  • The Trial
  • An Elephant Sitting Still

Recent activity

  • Blow Out


  • Nighthawks


  • Play Dirty


  • Vigilante Force


Recent reviews

  • Blow Out

    Blow Out


    Colours bleeding into darkness. Light fragmenting truth. Steadicam prowling like conscience. The eye deceives, the ear reveals. Impotent paranoia. The accident that wasn't. The scream that is.

    Through the synthesis of visual and audio concerns, cinema is created. Show first and explain later, follow your own breadcrumbs. Yet every detail is perfectly described, every star aligned. De Palma finds the beauty in paranoia. Split diopters bridging disparate, pulp-infested realities.

    Jack creates art from death. Burke creates death as art. Twin technicians of opposing purpose. Only the scream remains. Truth finally captured, too late to make any difference.

  • Nighthawks



    Stallone's hair has more personality than he does in this, maybe this is his version of restrained but it felt more vacuous than anything. Hauer puts in the only performance of note but is handicapped by some very clunky writing. Some of the action scenes are decent and it's a relatively fun watch when it's moving forward but I don't think it works as a coherent story.

Popular reviews

  • After Hours

    After Hours


    Don't think a movie has ever so accurately encapsulated the smorgasbord of uncomfortable emotions that is staying out all night when you should have never gone out in the first place. Trapped in a world of existential dread with absurdity at every turn, like Kafka meets Confederacy of Dunces, it's the most "out there" that Scorsese ever allowed himself to go. A shame it hasn't happened more often.

  • Duel



    A disruptive innovation of a movie, stripped down to only the essential features with all resources focussed on what truly matters. There'll never be another movie that is so simple on the surface while also having a real perfect depth of execution, I guess the director might have known what he was doing in hindsight.
