Ehh, better than attack of the clones and the phantom menace.
Kinda watched this one to try to justify the time wasted watching the previous two.
Ehh, better than attack of the clones and the phantom menace.
Kinda watched this one to try to justify the time wasted watching the previous two.
Sweet fucking lord, this movie was boring as shit. I fell asleep during the pod racing scene and I wasn't even tired :\
Holy shit, bad, not even worth re-watching bad. I managed to avoid this one in my childhood and I'm really thankful I did that.
What a total pile of dog shit, this movie is worse than I remembered it. I remember distinctly something about gold being the most precious metal in the universe or something yet in the only versions I've been able to find there is no mention of this but instead simply "man is endangered". Why do the psychlos keep giving the humans every opportunity available to work towards a revolt? Most of the movie doesn't make any sense, leapfrog from plot hole to plot hole in what is surely John Travolta's finest acting role.