

Eating 3 Benadryl and watching 101 Dalmatians. Actively rooting for Cruella De Vil.

Favorite films

  • Interstellar
  • The Prestige
  • Robots
  • Fight Club

Recent activity

  • Greenland


  • The King


  • The Revenant


  • Tombstone


Recent reviews

  • Greenland



    Classic end of the world and get to the bunker movie 

    Totally unrealistic that they wouldn’t fill those bunkers with just dirty billionaires, Hollywood pedophiles, and corrupt politicians 

    Should’ve had Gerard Butler be more of a badass and start whooping ass to get there 

    Hammer to the head. Brutal way to go

    3/5 movie 
    4.5/5 airplane movie

  • The King

    The King


    I will be a fan of any movie that has the French as the bad guys because let’s be honest, who likes French people

    Love me some good ole fashioned mud wrestling 

    Decent pre-war speech. No Braveheart by any means 

    How do you know who you’re fighting when you’re wearing the same armor as the other side

    Frenchy getting embarrassed while trying to duel was the cherry on top

Popular reviews

  • Downsizing



    Another great concept for a movie ruined by liberal propaganda and a directors inability to create a solid story line. Would recommend watching this movie brain dead

    Quote of the movie: “What kind of fuck you give me” in Vietnamese accent

  • Land of Bad

    Land of Bad


    Moral of the story: it’s always a Vol’s fans fault. 

    Water for the win

    Explosions done how the good lord meant them to be

    Considering joining a branch of the military for a nickname like playboy or froot loop
