Cameron Paleologopoulos

Cameron Paleologopoulos Pro

big bitch with little opinions

Favorite films

  • The Invitation
  • Lake Mungo
  • The Thing
  • The Witch

Recent activity

  • Mr. Vampire


  • Picture This


  • A Goofy Movie


  • 28 Days Later


Recent reviews

  • Picture This

    Picture This


    This movie is pretty abysmal and totally fails as a romance but I gotta say Simone Ashley seems like she could be a star. A very good performance in search of a real movie.

    Hero Fienes Tiffin on the other hand is one of the worst going right now. All due respect. In some ways I'm glad he isn't in more of this but ultimately you kind of have to actually show the main relationship to make a successful rom-com. I guess maybe this ultimately was supposed to be about family? Dumb.

  • A Goofy Movie

    A Goofy Movie


    Sunday Night Movies-Wallace Shawn

    This is a surprisingly horny kids movie.

Popular reviews

  • Because I Said So

    Because I Said So

    So awkward in parts my skin crawled right off my body and went for a walk. More disturbing and upsetting then 98% of horror movies. A hellish nightmare of phone calls and conference calls and voicemails and shopping and scarves and Uggs and polka dots and SO MANY PHONE CALLS.

    I pray Diane Keaton's character finds God.

    I had a great time.

  • Holiday in the Vineyards

    Holiday in the Vineyards


    I think 35% of this movie is literally about drywall. Whether this sounds too high or not will tell you a lot about whether you'll like this.