

Favourite Films: Most recent 5/5

Favorite films

  • Drunken Master II
  • Dragon Inn
  • Beau Travail
  • Dirty Ho

Recent activity

  • Guest House Paradiso


  • Hamlet 2


  • The Gambling Ghost


  • Justice, My Foot!


Recent reviews

  • Drunken Master II

    Drunken Master II


    With Drunken Master 1, Jackie showcases everything he has to offer to a, at that point, mature industry with Shaw Brothers at full force. Nearly 20 years later with an intensely storied career, Jackie shows why still had 20+ more years of films in him.

    DM2 is so rich in fight scenes and moves at such a blistering pace, its impossible to keep up. Its one you could watch over and over and catch a new death-defying stunt each time.…

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    Finding it hard to grade this one - I think the third act kinda falls flat but man, I really enjoyed the first half. Some incredibly menacing shots of the monkey that I loved, some absolutely hilarious kills that had me cracking up, and great acting all around.

    An interesting piece of trivia from this movie that I haven't seen anyone else mention yet is that the opening song is from The Great Gambler (1979) which is also about warring…

Popular reviews

  • The Last Stop in Yuma County

    The Last Stop in Yuma County


    Fantastic Fest #10:

    The best festival film so far. One of the best set-ups and payoffs in film I've seen this year. Every detail was intricately planned, and it shows.

  • The Father

    The Father


    You know when you're a child, you are watching a movie where something is happening to a kid, they try to explain it to the adults but none of them believe the kid and then you feel sad because you wonder if you'd be believed if it happened to you in real life.

    Its like that but instead of a child, it's an 80 year old man and he cries.
