★★★★★ : Exceptional
★★★★: Great
★★★: Good
★★: Average
★: Terrible
Your resident Nicole Kidman stan
I will never fucking recover from Char’s crashout de-transition
Underwhelming but still an incredibly fun time just for being a sci-fi film that actually feels like it knows how to operate within the genre and not just more schlocky faux-liberal pat on the back IP nonsense.
Love my little freak Pattinson and Naomi Ackie was a POWERHOUSE in this one. Will always be here for a Boon Jong-ho joint and hope people still go out and give it a watch 🫡
Film was made specifically for everyone to witness that last act
My favorite part of these movies is when Kirito is being told by Asuna “Let me reward you for all your hard work” and he’s too much of a sigma loser malewife to realize he’s being hit on
I greatly enjoy these movies like I do a cheeseburger from McDonalds