

Favorite films

  • Dazed and Confused
  • Interstellar
  • Apocalypse Now
  • Mulholland Drive

Recent activity

  • Delicious


  • Interstellar


  • Flow


  • Companion


Recent reviews

  • Delicious



    Saltbürn builds and builds and builds then botches the big reveal which was a stupid twist anyway. Auf nimmerwiedersehen!

  • Interstellar



    On this watch I just paid close attention to the script. It’s so clever and poetic, and paired with Hans Zimmer’s score, it’s actually immaculate, like everything else. Luh u

Popular reviews

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    In the menagerie of movie musicals in the past century, this one peaks out alongside few others visually, acoustically, theatrically, and thematically. The film gifts us a number of captivating and imaginative dance scenes, stunning photography and lighting, a fabulously jazzy soundtrack, and a genuinely interesting and accessible storyline, but the epilogue is what absolutely floored me. The juxtaposition of the "what if" cut-away with the "dreams fulfilled, but separately" is to me so colossal, so tragic, and so beautiful…

  • Dazed and Confused

    Dazed and Confused


    Live at Lay Day Roasters! What an atmosphere. Packed house. Caught a high just watching it. Popcorn drenched in butter. Friends every which way. Sublime.
