Cavin Tondeo

Cavin Tondeo

Favorite films

  • The Station Agent
  • Kamome Diner
  • I Wish
  • Paterson

Recent activity

  • Big Boys


  • Angst


  • Presence


  • The Monkey


Recent reviews

  • Big Boys

    Big Boys


    gemes banget tuhan yesus

  • Angst



    he's not very good is he... but damn, what a visceral camerawork

Popular reviews

  • An Anthology of Feelings

    An Anthology of Feelings


    Gue ga paham ini satu tim yang buat film gak ngelihat materinya problematic gitu? It depicts a date rape loh?? And it shows the audience that it's quite okay cos you know what, the rapist gets the girl in the end.

    Dan tolong, anu, mbaknya cuma bisa satu emosi sepanjang film: cantik. It's not even an emotion ffs, it's an adjective. HHHHH.

  • Annihilation



    Mind boggling and beautiful. Id like to spend more time in Shimmer, sadly we're going in halfway through the movie.

    This kind of movie is kinda hard to sell, but I don't get why it's deemed too smart for Indonesian audiences tho. Or maybe it is? Idk, since Indonesian couldn't even keep a straight line while queueing.

    The ambiguity of the ending might confuse some, which is often the case of this kind of movie, but aside from that the plot is pretty much linear and easy to understand. Also I'm fine with no answers. It's unfamiliar, it's foreign, it's unknown, that's why it's called alien.
