My fitst french movie seen.
If America is heaven, we are in hell.
Unique camera angles, beautiful lighting and cinematography and a disturbing twist.
I want more.
If the first movie was ok, this prequel is trash, clearly a downgrade. Not because the execution is less but because it is the same movie, with the same ending as the first one. On top of that, it doesn't even try to answer the questions it raised along the path and clearly doesn't mind beeing so boring.
We get it, we can't live in equality and order. Come with something new if you are making a second movie.
O gluma de film. După 26 de minute am ieșit din cinema. Același umor obosit de Băieți de Oraș îmbrăcat într un film de epoca wanna be care nu și respectă propriile reguli de formare a lumii fictive. Actorie slabă script prost și product placement nesimțit. Ma simt furat și îmi vreau banii înapoi.
The worst special effects i've seen this year. The plot is weak, the acting is mediocre and the action scenes are very boring.