Cato Hagen

Cato Hagen

Favorite films

  • Aliens
  • Predator
  • The Matrix
  • Moon

Recent activity

  • The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey


  • King Kong


  • King Kong


  • King Kong


Recent reviews

  • Call Girl

    Call Girl


    A sexually tense thriller about prostitution in Sweden in 1976. Underage cousins lris & Sonja get caught up in the dark underworld of sex & politics.

    Behind the camera we find a lot of the same people that brought Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy to the big screen.

    Technically, a meticulously crafted film that do suffer from some idiosyncrasies, plot holes and being too long. Still, well worth seeing.

  • Spiders



    The worst commercially released film I've ever seen, no contest.

Popular reviews

  • The Price of Sex

    The Price of Sex


    One of the most important documentaries in a while.

    The evil of man is rarely as well portrayed as in this film, focusing on the human sex trafficing to countries such as Turkey, Israel, Italy and Dubai.

    Being promised work and a fat paycheck abroad, many poor women in rural areas of Eastern Europe are sold into salvery and prostitution upon arrival to these countries.

    With no way of escaping, they are beaten, druged and raped daily until the police…

  • Predator



    The purest blend of action, thriller and sci-fi ever made. My favorite Arnold film and one of the few films I could watch indefinitely. Fantastic cast, great effects and a truly terrifying villain.

    Budget: $15 million