Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Rating Tarantino movies is annoying bc you rate them against each other rather than in a vacuum. For the record, I really adore this one and find the hopeful tone surprising from Tarantino but endearing all the same. Probably my favorite hangout movie to throw on while I’m with friends. And obviously the casting helps — Margot Robbie playing the ethereal spirit that was Sharon Tate, Leo DiCaprio playing a very convincing rapidly aging & out of vogue Western actor & Brad…
This is the ultimate hangout movie. Definitely best watched with other ppl I’ve tried watching this by myself so many times and I was not able to get through it. It’s funny bc I always try to glean some deeper message from this movie but I think it’s just a fun post modern work that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Style over substance but in such an entertaining way
I missed the first couple of minutes of this movie to get popcorn — biiiig mistake. I spent a lot of the rest of the movie slightly confused but read the synopsis of the movie beforehand so I kinda knew what was going on. Then I fell asleep for a few minutes which further confused me. Honestly though for some reason I could tell whodunnit just by looking at the poster so it wasn’t a huge surprise. Casting is great…
The first couple of minutes of this film was just spent me getting used to Rob Pattinson’s accent lol but he pulls it off well. A sci fi critique of the capitalism’s tendency to treat human labor as completely expendable melded into a rom com this was completely enjoyable and I could not stop thinking about Severance the entire time. The backstory of Mickey’s life and his relationship with Nassha were particularly bright points, while Mark Ruffalo’s Trump impression felt…