

Favorite films

  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
  • Snatch
  • Interstellar
  • Alice in Wonderland

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  • Final Destination


  • Cars


  • Project X


  • The Internship


Recent reviews

  • Final Destination

    Final Destination



  • Cars



    oh my god it’s the real michael schumacher 

    i still don’t understand how this because such a universally adored and culturally iconic film, however, watching this intoxicated made it so much better than i remember it being. that being said, i do think i last watched this when i was about 12 or 13, when my only interest in cars (the thing, not the film) was watching the f1 with my grandad and riding in my mum’s jeep which i loved so very much

Popular reviews

  • Project X

    Project X


    someone buy that neighbour a new fucking tree

    (-1 star for all the nudity and objectification - it’s definitely a product of its time, kinda makes it feel like a film made by horny male teenagers about being a horny male teenager but i guess that is partially the point? still, unnecessary and made me uncomfortable, and would have been better without it. i do understand the vibe they were going for with it, but do we really need that…

  • The Internship

    The Internship


    two hours of google propaganda, mediocre scripting, blatant basic boring film tropes and stereotypes, and an EXCESSIVELY long, degrading and uncomfortable (and tbh kinda predatory) strip club scene. there were some fun parts but overall this was just bad.

    one star for montgomery montgomery (i love you a series of unfortunate events)
