A good score can make a 1/5 movie a 4/5 movie.
Lover of cinemas without sticky floors.
“Dignity, always dignity.”
Aw. Damn. It’s like gene Rachel made lasagne with beef and cream. Not all good things together work
I’m both happy and sad in equal measure that this film exists. It is essentially poverty porn, ramming the worst symptoms of broken capitalism down your greedy throat. So much so it borders on propaganda. This isn’t entirely a bad thing, after all, everything the film shows you is bad, and you are left wanting Change. But how we’re meant to bring it about is unclear. Instead the film relishes in its own bleak worldview.
It’s not a very well…
Leave your expectations at the door (the key is under the mat) and avoid watching the trailers. This is the most surprising film I’ve ever watched. Better to go in blind, not because of a plot twist, but because if you expect Jack Lemmon like he is in Some Like It Hot, you’re going to be left with a sour taste. This is an angry film, with a lot to say and does so in a way I didn’t know…