Clay Johnston

Clay Johnston

I like when pictures go zoom~

Favorite films

  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion
  • Landscape in the Mist
  • Mirror
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Recent activity

  • Cléo from 5 to 7


  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion


  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion


  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion


Recent reviews

  • Her



    Sexy Kitten has accepted invitation from Big Guy 4x4

    the steady drift amid
    the incessant strums of
    nightly threads unweaving
    orbits, spinning phantoms

    between neon nowhere pasts
    and bleary city-smogged paths,
    how stupid do I make living look,
    having forgotten all odysseys dance a circle back h…?

  • The Killer

    The Killer


    “Can you help a girl out?”

    Once it clicks that The Killer is an absurdist dark comedy about the empty cycle of addiction (specifically to control, with more than a wink-wink to its directorial incarnation) the stark precision-focused horror of “being in the mind of a killer” flips from provocative to buffoonish, from audible teeth-cringing to keeling in laughter.

    Delightfully refreshing!

    The cruel shot of a crumpled body rear-up in a recycling cart cutting to the elevator joke has such a tremendous tonal whiplash that it is an ingenious red-herring.

Popular reviews

  • Thoroughbreds



    ~Sociopathy is a Spectrum~

    The hilarious, sharp dialogue lacquers the rotten cores of one who’s apathy incarnate and the other sloppy but sly narcissist. 

    The film brilliantly flips your sympathies.
    And technically deliciously polished.

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire


    À terme, on se rende comte que son regard est une position de solitude. Un acte sans réciprocité. Peu importe l'intention.

    Nos Eurydices partent. 
    Aucun contact ne reste.
    Aucune prière n’attrape.

    Ce film se laisse voir! Allez le voir! 

    (tr. Eventually, we realize that our gaze is a solitary pose. An act without reciprocity. No matter the intention. 

    Our Eurydices depart.
    No touch remains.
    No prayer ensnares.

    This film is incredible! Go see it!)