Some of the best line reads I’ve ever heard from a comedy film.
McLovin needs his own spin off
Surprisingly wholesome and sweet at the end???
Somehow the most gorgeous and simultaneously most disgusting film I have ever seen in my entire life.
Witty dry humor, phenomenal lighting and cinematography, excellent performances, great soundtrack, decent run time (maybe 5-10 minutes too long) but overall an unforgettable experience.
2023 may have given me another top 4 movie.
Go into this as blind as possible I am begging you.
Mother of all spectacle this was a 4D experience (the seats in the theatre were literally shaking.)
I don’t throw around this word because it’s cringe when used improperly, but this movie was epic. We saw it in 70mm IMAX. You should do the same.
This is the first movie that I have genuinely lost my breath due to the sheer grandiose of the production.
Multiple times during the viewing I found myself in genuine disbelief of what I was…