At first I wasn't feeling it at all but it grew on me.
George is such a character.
At first I wasn't feeling it at all but it grew on me.
George is such a character.
Already fun on its own - fun-er with friends!
Originally watch this because I caught an illness for Cruise and was just going though his films that seemed interesting - devil jockstrap I love you forever.
I does feel a little long though.
So silly X3
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Dear David, this stinks.
The movie was mildly entertaining but what was going on... Why was Adam an asshole? Why was David sexting hot hunks on Grindr? I get his whole thing is you mean online = he get you but why did he choose that??? I didn't expect it to be (an attempt) at horror but it just made me laugh a bit because it's absurd.
I went into this movie knowing nothing and I left out the same (albreit more itchy).
That altered my brain, i think.
Was gonna give it a 4.5 until the ending - that's the main thing holding it back for me. So abrupt...