

3 : 괜츈함
3.5 : 좋음
4 : 수작
4.5 : 2번 이상 본거
5 : 평생 영화 하나만 볼 수 있으면 선택할 것 같은거

Favorite films

  • Princes and Princesses
  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • Jurassic Park
  • Pan's Labyrinth

Recent activity

  • Damsel


  • Jurassic Park


  • Oppenheimer


  • 65


Recent reviews

  • Damsel



    솔직히 3.0 줄 영화는 아니고 2.5 주고싶은데 여성주연+인종다양성을 표현하려고 노력한 영화라서 응원의 의미로 0.5점 더 줌. 근데 이번에는 좀 다른 여성상을 보고싶었는데 강단있는 여성캐릭터는 꼭 다 비슷하게 발하는 것 같아서 아쉬웠음... 새로운 걸 보고싶어!

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    A movie where every scene is memorable. "How was Jurassic Park possible?" explained by a theme park mascot(gene), is a masterpiece of visual storytelling. If I were to live in a Mad Max apocalypse, I'd keep the DVD of this movie as a treasure in my glovebox. Love it!

Popular reviews

  • Batman Returns

    Batman Returns


    Love penguin!

  • The Midnight Meat Train

    The Midnight Meat Train


    Disappointed as a fan of the original book. it dragged on way too long for a movie that should have been 60 minutes or less.
