

Favorite films

  • Spirited Away
  • Ratatouille
  • The Shining
  • Hereditary

Recent activity

  • Death Note


  • Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations


  • Paranoia Agent


  • Dune


Recent reviews

  • Death Note

    Death Note



  • Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations

    Accidental Truth: UFO Revelations


    I'm sick of needing to either watch shitty documentaries like this or scour the depths of 4-chan and reddit in order to get my UFO fix. how about aliens just abduct me and harvest my semen already so I can finally let myself believe they exist

Popular reviews

  • Tenet



    my working theory is that Chris needs his brother Jonathan to write his screenplays. idk how to describe it, just when Christopher gets full control of the writing it lacks a level of realism or nuance that comes naturally to Jonathan. but it's ok Chris, I still want you to have full control of directing, your brother will just need to edit your script. for the love of god though your deaf ass better permanently stay away from the sound mixing, you've definitely lost those privileges.

  • Dune



    A satisfying blend of Star Wars and Game of Thrones (well, it's got Jason Momoa at the very least).

    This is the epitome of what I would've adored when I was younger. The movie makes me feel like I missed out on reading the books when I was growing up, while also simultaneously making me feel like it's the perfect time to begin.

    Seeing this in IMAX is a necessity.