
Cinnabar HQ

Cinnabar is curious about how films help us see. We meet every month to watch and discuss films together.


Vidi x Cinnabar: The (Re)Branding Story

It’s no secret that we at Cinnabar fell head-over-heels with our most recent brand refresh by our friends at Vidi. It built upon an essence we already loved while elevating the best of who we are.

Humid Tales of Connection

From our final screening at Downtown Credo, to those rain-soaked, humid evenings, this summer at Cinnabar brought plenty to talk about—so let's talk about it!

Cooler Days

It might not (officially) be summer, but it sure feels like it here in Florida. That heat is already melting off our faces, but thankfully there’s always Cinnabar where you can find arguably two of the best inventions of the modern era: movies, and air conditioning. Ahhhh.

Recent reviews

We trekked the mud tonight! Thanks so much Nate for hosting, bringing us a dose of nostalgia, sonder, and coming-of-age adventure with this pick.

If you missed it, we debuted our 2024 Year In Review zine made from the collective work of everyone from our community. Thanks to those who purchased; you can grab them for sale next month at our next screening.

Which, speaking of, mark your calendars for April 9, 2025 as Emiley brings us Suzume!

Hope you enjoy the extra hours of evening sunlight, and remember to stay curious.

We time-warped to Czech Republic, 1966 tonight thanks to Allison's incredible February pick, Daisies. (And to activate our tastebuds, she even brought us imported Czech treats: Kofola and Horalky!)

A wild adventure of a film, our conversation spanned from nihilism to innocence as we tried to unpack these whimsical and defiant characters. Thanks to all that contributed to the dialogue and who stopped by.

We hope you join us next month as Nate presents Mud on March 12, 6:45pm @…

We had quite the evening with this brain-scratching, visually symphonic movie. Thank you Alex for guiding us through such a thoughtful discussion, and thank you for everyone who showed up—whether it was your first time or your 50th time.

As always, give us a follow on Instagram if you haven’t, and sign up for our newsletter on our website to never miss out on updates.

Coming up on February 12, Allison brings us Daises, so be sure to mark your calendars.

Our final film of the year!

We had a great time eating holiday treats and tapping into our inner child with paper and glue sticks for our 2024 zine. Your contributions were golden, and we can’t wait to share the collective result very soon.

And of course, we can’t forget the incredible discussion we had about the film! Morality and free will were recurring themes. And even with such brutality, I think we all were able to see some humanity…

How iconic of us to show this frenetic and dreamy film that takes place in a bustling city the day we return to our long lost downtown venue?

Thank you to everyone who came to our screening at CityArts! We got a little taste of Hong Kong, both metaphorically and literally (thanks Rachel for hosting and for the deliciously on-theme pineapple bun pastries).

Our conversation was wide-ranging. Among many things, we talked about the two “halves” of the movie and how they…

Thanks everyone who dropped by. We had some great conversation, and wished our host Downtown Credo a proper goodbye.

Catch us September 4, 2024 at our next screening: Chungking Express by Wong Kar-wai. Our new location will be at CityArts in Downtown Orlando. Stay updated on our site, our socials, or by signing up for our newsletter.

We had an incredible time at our 50th screening.

Thank you all to stopped by, and we can't wait to see you at the next one!