

Favorite films

  • La Haine
  • Sing Sing
  • Hundreds of Beavers
  • Sweet Smell of Success

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  • Anora


  • Hudson Hawk


  • Frances Ha


  • Blind Beast


Recent reviews

  • Anora



    Really upset this won best picture.

  • Hudson Hawk

    Hudson Hawk


    I didn’t feel real watching this movie.

Popular reviews

  • Frances Ha

    Frances Ha


    I had really high hopes for this film because it seemed like a super popular indie gem from what I’ve heard especially, with the whole “I can’t pay rent in New York” aspect of it. I throughly enjoyed this more than A Marriage Story but, maybe it’s because Greta Gerwig helped write the movie. The movie excels at showing the viewer the hardships of living in New York & just being lost in life. What took me out of the film…

  • Nocturnal Animals

    Nocturnal Animals


    Why does Jake gyllenhal make such terrible decisions in this movie !!!!
    Why he so goofy in this like he doesn’t come off as  charming he just comes off as a dad whose not worried enough about his raped & murdered family. Why does American film constantly love making heavily casted movies that Star big paid actors with poor editing causing subpar acting and it’s all being being bogged down by a interesting plot.
    I will say the cop with the mustache was valid.
