if it's animated or has a good score, I'm there.
top 4 I can't stop thinking about
jaw did not drop.
unpredictable for sure.
Didn't love how it became true fiction in the end. Loved one twist, the other was meh.
this is how you do franchise fan-service. You don't give the audience 5-10 seconds for applause and you don't give them what they want but instead what the story needs.
In this case you learn that Han and Leia failed each other and failed their son. You see Luke Skywalker, the "Jesus figure", as a flawed being. You kill off a main character in a way that progresses the plot and establishes some conflict.
this is not necessarily what people…
Where THE LAST JEDI was intentional with every line, creatively shot, and progressed every characters arc in a fluid and natural way with consequences, THE RISE OF SKYWALKER feels the opposite.
In this final installment, every line of dialogue feels expositional in a way that tells us "we failed to set up a conclusion in 2 movies and need to cram whatever we need to make a cohesive story for a finale."
This movie feels like we are picking up…