

lights, camera - and me without a stitch of makeup on!

Favorite films

  • The Company of Wolves
  • Paris Is Burning
  • In the Mouth of Madness
  • Phantom Thread

Recent activity

  • Witness


  • Manifesto

  • Your Fat Friend

  • The Insider

Recent reviews

  • Witness



    There is no language nor writing system on earth that can transcribe the sound I made when Harrison Ford drank that lemonade.

  • Manifesto


    Last year, I taught an undergraduate Introduction to Cinema module. First year university students, many whom had never studied film before, met with me every week to reflect on the assigned film(s) and think about how meaning is constructed through form, among other things.

    One of those weeks was spent discussing avant garde video art. At first I was concerned that they’d all bounce off the assigned film(s), a collection of shorts curated by the module leader, and have little…

Popular reviews

  • Foxes


    Little foxes on the hillside
    Little foxes made of ticky tacky
    Little foxes on the hillside
    And one looks like your wife

  • Benedetta


    What could possibly go wrong?