Cohben Pettrup

Cohben Pettrup

Every time I get high, I start yapping about how much of a modern masterpiece Twilight is.

Favorite films

  • The Prestige
  • Prisoners
  • Hereditary
  • Stranger Than Fiction

Recent activity

  • Mickey 17


  • Snowtown


  • Spit


  • The Apprentice


Recent reviews

  • The Second

    The Second

    Tony Zhou is the reason I did a film degree. I could barely believe it when, on my first day of class, we were made to watch a bunch of Every Frame A Painting videos.

  • The People's Joker

    The People's Joker

    I feel like this movie kind of transcends the whole five point rating system.

Popular reviews

  • The Room

    The Room

    This film is unrateable, and as such will not be rated.

    This is arguably one of the most important films in the culture of American filmmaking. In terms of it's effect on American culture, movie pop culture and the art of filmmaking, this film belongs in the same conversation as Birth Of A Nation and Citizen Kane and 2001: Space Odyssey and Taxi Driver and Star Wars. Never before have I read a book about the making of a specific…
