I still can’t believe Jonah Hill is going to play Jerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead movie and probably end up getting a Oscar nomination for it.
Man has range.
I still can’t believe Jonah Hill is going to play Jerry Garcia in the Grateful Dead movie and probably end up getting a Oscar nomination for it.
Man has range.
weird watching this in 2025 when we have effectively done nothing to stop climate change
watching this immediately after powering through Breaking Bad in a week made it feel a lot more whole. it is the perfect end to Jesse’s story. What a great ending to an amazing show.
This movie is exactly what it is supposed to be. Nothing big, nothing mindblowing. Just a movie capping off the story to a broken man getting his freedom back.
we even get that fun cameo to cap it all off.
you know this might be in my top 10 favorite movies of all time...