

Die hard horror fanatic.
I like German Splatter and Extreme Cinema.
Film-maker: Tristan.
DVD collector.

Favorite films

  • Dead Meat
  • Evil Dead II
  • Coma-Brutal Duel
  • Violent Shit

Recent activity

  • Double Indemnity


  • The Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson


  • Fall


  • Young Bloody Slashers


Recent reviews

  • Twin Peaks

    Twin Peaks


    Merry Twin Peaks day.

    February 24th, 34 years!

  • Cycle: The Bloody Summer of 1999

    Cycle: The Bloody Summer of 1999


    ZYKLUS is the definition of a splatterpiece. An amazing horror flick not everyone might enjoy but to those who like these types of movies, you are in for a ride. Shot in the late nineties, left unfinished and then re-edited in the mid-2000s with what was filmed, Holger delivers an amazing movie with awesome editing, cinematography, techno music and top notch gore. If it wasn’t for the odd continuity (Not Holgers fault as the film was left unfinished), this movie would easily be a perfect five. GO WATCH THIS DAMN MOVIE THE CHANCE YOU GET TO!!!!!!

Popular reviews

  • Werewolf Blood: Night in Munich

    Werewolf Blood: Night in Munich


    This movie looked so promising from the cover and back and then you watch the movie… wtf. 

    I had high hopes for this movie as it’s probably the only German splatter flick with werewolves being the main point but, I was let down. To be fair I only have myself to blame.

  • Lip Balm

    Lip Balm


    Really creepy, the beginning had me squirming in my seat, I started to empathise for the character  in this movie (A representation of the director), nice blood squirting effects, wish it was a bit longer. Enuff said, good movie.
