"We cryogenically froze him." Girl you wrapped him in tinfoil and put him in the fridge!!!! Terrible movie. I can't tell if this was filmed with a potato or if Tubi's version is uniquely bad.
Wes Craven-A-Thon: 22/25
What a BIZARRE movie. The first hour and fifteen minutes are the typical Wes Craven exploration of white suburbanite anxieties, and the final 15-20 minutes are the typical Wes Craven magical realism weirdness. But the two parts don’t mesh. They feel like they belong in two completely different movies from two completely different genres. There’s also a Halloween party where one guy is fully dressed as a Nazi, and the evil lady does the Wonder Woman spin and then explodes.…
As far as I'm concerned, this is the only werewolf movie to ever exist. Tense and frenetic with awesome monster effects.
Would make one helluva double feature with The Descent.
Those bread slices wouldn't have stood a chance against me