
CoolHandAdam Pro

Favorite films

  • The Wages of Fear
  • Bound
  • Z
  • The Departed

Recent activity

  • La Dolce Vita


  • Touch of Evil


  • The Third Man


  • Flow


Recent reviews

  • La Dolce Vita

    La Dolce Vita


    Nobody shoots a press conference like Fellini, because nobody shoots a party or a dance number or a mob like he does.

  • Touch of Evil

    Touch of Evil


    An essential noir that drives at what makes the genre so timeless: the rotten recklessness at the heart of the institutions responsible for enforcing boundaries, borders, standards and everything else recognizably modern. 

    This movie oozes so much style and verve that it swamps any shortcomings. But it’s interesting to note how the plot hinges on a kind of reefer madness hysteria. Especially considering the stories about Orson growing his a little weed garden at his Las Vegas home. 🤔

Popular reviews

  • O Brother, Where Art Thou?

    O Brother, Where Art Thou?


    I like this movie a lot more than I should. It’s funny in the same way as a New Yorker cartoon. George Clooney plays a rougher version of his later character in Fantastic Mr. Fox. It’s a movie about the South that’s clearly not made by southerners; its caricatures are very Bush-era liberal, yet good-natured and still entertaining.

    Something I appreciated more on this rewatch was the theme of weaponized nostalgia (“that’s not even old-timey”) in a Depression-era setting. Also, the governor scrambling onstage to do a little dance is an all-time film moment for me.

  • Ran



    Put off writing this review for a few days because I couldn’t find a more elegant way to say: damn