Been a damned long time since I last indulged in film baby.
What a return.
A pretty film with pretty good damn jokes.
Elephant scenes where highly appreciated.
Barbershops, man what a forum.
4/5 🌞
Been a damned long time since I last indulged in film baby.
What a return.
A pretty film with pretty good damn jokes.
Elephant scenes where highly appreciated.
Barbershops, man what a forum.
4/5 🌞
Gandolfini's last film :((
This had the makings of a movie that I would really dislike within the first half an hour and im not really sure how it did it, but it manages to save itself in pretty miraculous fashion.
Soundtrack sucks, Just stock ass marimba music, designed to put babys to sleep. (Mind you oddly enough it kind of works, I can't imagine this movie with a big soundtrack anyway.)
Cinematography is also pretty bland, even includes some…
I don’t know why, but I had a insane craving to watch this movie. I saw it in cinemas and hadn’t seen it since. Man it holds up. Visually stunning, like isle of dogs/ fantastic mr fox levels. Star studded cast. Nice light hearted script. It can be a little annoying at times but it’s charming enough for me to not really care. I’m not going to lie, I balled my fucking eyes out, this movie tickled my nostalgia bone nice and proper. It’s so silly I luv it.
I think this is my third rewatch. Each time it gets fucking better. This movie about a big penis is perfect for my potty brain, like honestly a religious experience for me. Dude PTA is insane, at age 26 with your directorial debut, you make a 2 and a half hour movie about cock, and it fucking rocks.
- 🐐ed cast
-🐐ed soundtrack
-🐐ed script
-🐐ed tracking shots
I’m a big appreciator of cocaine movies. I eat that shit up,…