Butch P

Butch P

Favorite films

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Ratatouille
  • The Beyond

Recent activity

  • Fight!! Iczer-One


  • Bio Hunter


  • Gall Force: New Era


  • Gall Force: Earth Chapter


Recent reviews

  • Fight!! Iczer-One

    Fight!! Iczer-One


    This OVA is like a wild fever dream. Its a bombardment of crazy nightmarish and wondrous things and then you wake up and forget all about it. The story here isn’t really that special. It didn’t really hit home for me and I didn’t feel an attachment to any of the characters aside from the villain Cobalt. The character design as a whole also didn’t really resonate with me. The facial features felt a little too exaggerated and not as…

  • Bio Hunter

    Bio Hunter


    Bio Hunter aka “We have Wicked City at home.” 

    Honestly its a pretty decent and relatively short OVA. Its got plenty of horror and gore to satisfy the craving of an ultraviolent anime from yesteryear. It throws you into a world thats already been lived in and it feels like the characters are well past the beginning of their stories. Its just another day in the life of a bio hunter. The bromance between the two main characters was the real standout in this.

Popular reviews

  • Who Saw Her Die?

    Who Saw Her Die?


    I thought this was a pretty unique giallo movie. Firstly this revolved around dead kids so that took me by surprise. This actually made me feel a little sense of loss right before the usual giallo investigation starts taking place. Overall the tone of this is very bleak and serious and visually the main color palette is grey. The atmosphere of the seemingly colorless city and overall tone made everything feel very moody in a way that felt similar to…

  • The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion

    The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion


    Really good giallo with good cinematography and great performances. The suspense in this was crazy! This movie is pretty dang sleazy and to its credit it manages to do it without throwing a bunch of nudity and murders at you. Its giallo to be sure but I would think this definitely also falls along the lines of a psychosexual thriller.
