“Hey, Moe! I can’t see!”
“What’s the matter?”
“I got my eyes closed.”
Tombstone is one of my favorite Westerns, but it’s interesting to see these figures used in a sobering, revisionist study of regret and the taint of violence. Do I think this is closer to how things might have been? Probably not entirely. Still, how many times can they just reprint the legend?
Something of Budd Boetticher in here. A good snow Western is a hard thing to beat.
I love Looney Tunes. I hate David Zaslav.
“I ain’t like that anymore, kid. It was whiskey done it, as much as anything else.”
Clint knew exactly what he had when he got his hands on this script, enough to wait years until he was old enough for it to be believable. Westerns as a vehicle for a morality tale have been around since the genre kicked up, but how the hell do you top this?