

Favorite films

  • Ratatouille
  • Happy as Lazzaro
  • Raging Bull
  • Working Girls

Recent activity

  • Dreaming By Numbers

  • Vermiglio


  • The Mud Under My Window

  • I Would Eat It If I Could

Recent reviews

  • Queens of Drama

    Queens of Drama


    I like it in general and loved the photography, the sound, how unapologetic it is but I feel it's part of the irony epidemic, it seems like everything must be a joke (and thus unsincere. The popstar shaving her head during a breakdown? It's a joke. Unsufferable characters? It's a joke. Toxic fandoms and internet behaviour? It's a joke) in order to be funny and not boring.

  • Marching Band

    Marching Band


    Finally a movie where the working class people from the province have complex feelings, ambitions, passions and cultural interests, struggles and joy. Also it has a rare representation of people with mental disabilities.

Popular reviews

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Love Lies Bleeding

    I really liked the movie.

    Unfortunately, I watched it during BIFFF festival in Brussels, a festival where the audience normally reacts and jokes about what they see on screen. From the beginning of the movie, old males started dooing lesbophobic and sexist jokes, and whenever someone tried to react they would answer to fermer la gueule and "its freedom of expression". It was really disheartening and frustratring. The situation was so violent that a huge group of lesbians who just…

  • Happening



    Ma perché in Italiano è stato tradotto con "La Scelta di Anna" e nelle sinossi si legge "Anna è davanti a un grande bivio", sottintendendo che l'aborto è sempre una scelta sofferta e che lascia dubbi e interrogativi?

    Nel film Anna non è davanti a un bivio, lei VUOLE fermamente abortire, senza alcun ripensamento. Perché in Italia si continua a contribuire a questa idea colpevolizzante e paternalista dell'aborto come scelta da fare sì, ma a malincuore?
