Danny Wilson

Danny Wilson

Favorite films

  • Taxi Driver
  • The Master
  • The Thing
  • Zodiac

Recent activity

  • The Long Goodbye


  • Soul


  • Caché


  • The White Ribbon


Recent reviews

  • The Long Goodbye

    The Long Goodbye



  • Soul



    I guess Pixar flicks just don't really feel special anymore. Broadly enjoyed myself, sure. But had a curious bang of seen it all before.

    No characters I will recall with any real affection like I do Wall-E, The auld fella from Up, Monster lads or any of the Toy Story gang.

    Music was as good as it needed to be and that is to say excellent.

    I wept a lil but it felt cheap. Probably totally wrongheaded to knock this sort of thing for being emotionally manipulative though. Honestly, probably wrongheaded to knock any movie for being emotionally manipulative.

Popular reviews

  • The Nest

    The Nest


    Thrilled to have Durkin back, baby! MarthaMarcyMayMarlene rocks the house so hard you could use it to test your foundations.

    This didn't disappoint anyway. Smart and sharp and all that good stuff. Not to mention moody and cooly gorgeous in a way fewer and fewer flicks seem to be since all the mid-budget adult stuff started getting made for streaming and therefore viewing on smaller screens.

    Mr.Napkinhead and Coon are both on one.

    Carrie's dance sequence exponentially more affecting than the one in the film I'm about to review immediately after I finish this sentence.

  • Wonder Woman 1984

    Wonder Woman 1984


    Pretty zooted but noted how much fun I was having about an hour in. Felt kinda quietly radical just how many scenes were happening with only women in them.

    Loved to see them leaning in to juvenile kind of thinking that can have the idea of granting wishes as the main plot device. Felt like a goofy and fitting response to just how interminably adolescent the other DC flicks are. Superman movies shouldn't have jars of piss in them.

