(former) film school girlie
i have a masters in film studies so my opinion should be taken seriously
Just all over the place and kind of a mess in general. I'll give it credit for kind of going in directions I didn't expect it to, but from what I understand the trailers all gave that away anyways so I'm just lucky to not have seen the trailers.
Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy are both hot at least.
I checked myself before I Shreked myself and as a result this installment in the Shrek story is an improvement over the Dreck that was Shreck the Third.
Filled with dark, dark humor nearly to the point of exhaustion, In Bruges is remarkable for also being deceptively poignant at times. Normally I don't like Colin Farrell but his character was excellent in this, as were the always reliable Ralph Fiennes and Brendan Gleeson. It's a hilarious, violent and unforgettable picture set in the beautiful city of FUCKIN' BRUGES.