it took me 3 attempts and 10 years but I finally completed the odyssey that is finishing this movie
previously, I’d been too distracted by my phone during scenes with minimal dialogue (there’s a lot). I can see the irony
it took me 3 attempts and 10 years but I finally completed the odyssey that is finishing this movie
previously, I’d been too distracted by my phone during scenes with minimal dialogue (there’s a lot). I can see the irony
I’d “seen” the first LOTR before, but it was mostly background noise while i scrolled on my phone…
This is the first time I’ve actually invested the three hours to watch it fully. I love a classic hero’s journey and a huge epic, but this is obviously next level. There’s nothing I can say about this film that’s never been said before, except I wish they would’ve given Frodo a lil manicure. Would’ve loved to have the movie theater experience, but alas, I was a wee 6 year old