
Dan_j Pro

Favorite films

  • 1900
  • Come and See
  • Dawn of the Dead
  • Cat Listening to Music

Recent activity

  • The Promise


  • #NOVA

  • Torment


  • An Officer and a Spy


Recent reviews

  • Torment



    An uneasy and cringey watch

  • White Paradise

    White Paradise


    The problem is the script, which is often hard to buy into - ie it wasn’t convincing why they were chased and by who ( do racists really shoot down immigrants in Europe and are they likely to - nope!) ,or why they would attempt to traverse a snowy mountain range so poorly prepared etc but it’s great to see the two leads together and they make it worthwhile. Plus the landscape was beautiful at times, though even then sometimes unflatteringly shot.

Popular reviews

  • The Outcasts

    The Outcasts


    This is even muddier than Blood on Satan’s Claw. Just as Robin Redbreast once was, this is a forgotten folk horror in need of a BFI makeover. Kudos to Mocata’s Letterboxd review for unearthing this one.

  • Anything for Jackson

    Anything for Jackson


    Justin Dyck (ahem) previously made romantic xmas films, and lots of them. This was similar to Hereditary but with some low key laughs thrown in.