David S.

David S. Patron

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Nina Forever
  • Interstellar
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • Days of Heaven


  • Amores Perros


  • Aguirre, the Wrath of God


  • Sex Is Crazy


Pinned reviews

  • You Can Live Forever

    You Can Live Forever


    Unfortunately, I was raised in the manipulative and psychologically abusive death cult portrayed in this film, known as the Jehovah’s Witnesses. And this is by far the most accurate depiction of how things really are as a JW.

    However, the movie isn’t just about the religion. It actually has a really sweet story about love prevailing in an environment that wants to squash it and replace it with unconditional devotion to a bunch of old rich men in upstate New…

Recent reviews

  • Days of Heaven

    Days of Heaven


    Masterful! I think I’ve watched this movie 4 times in the last couple of years. Even though I have a massive watch list of other movies I’ve never seen, I just keep coming back to this one over and over again because it’s so gorgeous.

    Just like Aguirre The Wrath Of God, it’s a visually stunning grand epic… but only like 90 minutes long. These movies feel longer just because they’re paced like 3 hour epics and the visuals are…

  • Amores Perros

    Amores Perros


    🎶 Si señorrrrrrrrrr 🎶

    This movie does for me what City Of God does for everyone else. I really like City Of God and think it’s so well made that it feels real, almost like you’re watching a documentary instead of people acting. But it doesn’t make me feel anything, I merely admire it. However, this movie has that same ultra realistic vibe, but it also makes me feel something. The intensity of human angst is very palpable in this. It’s so full of visceral life. I love it.

Popular reviews

  • Lumina



    You can’t be serious. I am in awe. This is by far the greatest worst film I’ve ever seen! Holy shit this was awful and I loved every minute of it. I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the hardest I’ve laughed in a movie theater in a long time, probably in the last decade. And I wasn’t alone, many of my fellow filmgoers were cackling maniacally. 

    I saw it with a friend and several times we…

  • Oppenheimer



    Omg… saw this in IMAX earlier tonight with my homegirl Sarah and it was a truly transcendent experience. This movie is just incredible and I’m so glad it broke through to find mainstream success. The world needs more films like this.

    Oppenheimer was a god, a superhero, and also the coolest guy in the room that women wanted to fuck. He was all of that in one person. His brain was so powerful that it literally made him a spiritual…