I watch a lot of trash.
So I recently sold some old video games and Amibos I never opened (sorry Pat), and used the profits to go on a shopping spree at Disc Replay. Unfortunately, I only bought more trash to replace the trash I sold.
The problem with this movie is that the titular Tooth Fairy isn't the most evil person in the film, that role is reserved solely for Chuck Hammond. Say what you want about the Tooth Fairy but at least she has…
Chevy Chase's physical comedy will always make me laugh. It had been a while since I've seen this one, while Christmas Vacation plays every year in my house, and I forgot that about half of the jokes in this one revolve around how horny Chevy Chase is.
The only thing that doesn't really work for me is this pinky sitcom score that sounds like it was borrowed from The Brady Bunch.
Barely a movie. Cool decision to destroy the earth at the end.