A quiet girl, this one.
She says as much she needs to say. May there be many like her.
the ending made me cry
god bless irish people...god bless irish cinema
A quiet girl, this one.
She says as much she needs to say. May there be many like her.
the ending made me cry
god bless irish people...god bless irish cinema
Be kind... Be fucking kind to everyone around you. No one's here with any purpose or reason and neither are you...
So let's just stop this endless battle of maintaining our superiority over others for a second, and be kind. Please.
Be kind.
Nothing matters. Everything's pointless. We are a speck of dust in this universe. And our existence or absence isn't going to change anything.
But, right now, at this moment,we are here. You and I are here. We…
the mandatory dose of contemplative
cinema which we all need at regular intervals for self-reflection and self-examination....was very much looking forward to watching this and now that I've seen it, it made me realize i needed to watch this at this point of life...
loved each and every aspect of this film...especially the long take at the end made me gasp, it's that good...
gonna ponder further on it...