

i love the pictures

& good tunes

Favorite films

  • Morvern Callar
  • Close-Up
  • Turtles Can Fly
  • Sink or Swim

Recent activity

  • Tantura

  • 1948: Creation & Catastrophe

  • PG: Psycho Goreman


  • Kajillionaire


Recent reviews

  • PG: Psycho Goreman

    PG: Psycho Goreman


    Tropes: the movie

  • Kajillionaire



    As soon as it ended I immediately felt I could watch an additional 105 minutes.

Popular reviews

  • Where Is the Friend's House?

    Where Is the Friend's House?


    I will always advocate for the validity of children’s feelings and actions because there are fewer expressions of existence more pure.

    Kiarostami allows the subtlest tics of humanity to shine through, foregrounding imperfect personhood and simply allowing it to exist without judgement. He just makes me fall in love with everybody.

  • 3 Logical Exits

    3 Logical Exits


    I don't know that 15 minutes allowed for the nuance the subject's story or the base argument necessitates.

    Allowing the narrative to exist as it currently does (only clear (ish) to those privy (again, ish) to that specific political climate) ultimately felt like a teaser for what ought to be a much longer work, if the subject matter is to be fully flushed out to the extent of its potential. As it exists now, I fear an uninformed audience will walk away writing Reda off completely.
