Great performance from house sparrows (HOSP).
Also the Vangelis-esque music over Amish country is cool, I think
Cameron loves a parable! “Violence is relentless and spectacularly effective but ultimately dooms us to self-immolation” is more or less spelled out by the end, but more implicit, I think, is the collage of how that violence manifests— mostly via men, but and/or institutions and the state. It can take a visceral form, (guns, grenades), or something more pernicious (bureaucracy, gaslighting*).
Women can of course become actors in the cycle of violence— Sarah Connor embodies this by replicating the Terminator…
15 minutes in, I was certain that this would be a "Life is just da friggin movies" movie. But I was wrong. Turns out... Catholicism is da friggin movies.