Cocks out girls we're watching a Tony Scott movie.
Top four are a rotating selection from my favourites.
The best of the original two sequels. First act feels messy, but once the battle of zion starts it becomes a storytelling machine, as relentless and affecting as the first film's climax - somehow it maintains that for 90 whole minutes, never feeling rushed or unclear, and yet even finding time for moments of poetry and awe.
Everyone knows about Trinity dying right after she sees the sun for the only time in her life, but what got me this…
Not being playfully hyperbolic when I say this is a serious contender for worst movie I've ever seen. Was steadfastly intending to avoid (I've walked out of every trailer showing) but got dragged to it by coworkers, and it made me so depressed I'm considering giving up filmmaking.
I want it known that I've been a Deadpool hater for years, since *long* before even X-Men Origins Wolverine teased his onscreen presence. He reminded me of kids who called me a…
Rewatched some of this the other day. My opinion has soured from kind of bad to borderline irredeemable.
Here's my hot prediction; this will stay extremely popular for like a decade and then plummet. Its imgur-core humour and painfully didactic screenplay are going to age like fucking milk.